Monitoring System Accessories
A range of monitoring system accessories can be added to your RIOT-S or WebREACT systems.
Details and specifications for these products can be found below. For further information on any of the below products or a quotation, please visit the contact us page to get in touch.
Signal Repeater Unit
Signal repeaters are used to increase the distance at which wireless IT sensors can be used, they send the collected data from the IT sensor to RIOT-S base unit. Several repeaters can be installed across a site to relay IT data back to the base unit.
Signal repeaters are mains powered and require no further wiring, they communicate on the same radio network as our wireless IT sensors. A 240VAC mains fused spur or 13A socket would be required at the location of each unit. The units are housed in durable stainless steel enclosures.

Beacon Repeater Unit
The Beacon Repeater features an orange beacon that will flash to alert staff when a monitored point has breached alarm limits.
Using the same internal hardware as a standard Signal Repeater, the beacon repeater will still relay IT data back to the RIOT-S base unit. The beacon repeater is mains powered and requires no further wiring, they communicate on the same radio network as our wireless IT sensors. A 240VAC mains fused spur or 13A socket would be required at the location of each unit. The beacon repeaters are housed in durable stainless steel enclosures that are slightly larger than the standard repeater (see specification for dimensions).

Thermal Printer
The AP1310 Able Thermal Printer is suitable for use with the RIOT-S unit, timed data logs and configurations can be printed. The printer can be wall mounted or mounted onto a RIOT-S back box so no desk space is required.
The printers are battery and mains powered and supplied with a 0.3amp UK plug, alternatively if the printer is ordered as part of a new RIOT-S monitoring system, we can wire it in so the RIOT-S will supply the power.
Thermal rolls for the printer are available to purchase (supplied in boxes of 20 rolls).

A Big Red Unit displays the temperature of a location in a 4 digit large format LED display; this can easily be read from over 20m away.
Big red units are mains powered and require no further wiring, they communicate on the same radio network as our wireless IT sensors. A 240VAC mains fused spur or 13A socket would be required at the location of each unit.
The Big Reds are housed in durable stainless steel enclosures.