WebREACT Monitoring Service
Our WebREACT system is an intuitive and versatile monitoring solution, accessed via internet browser on any PC or smart phone.
The WebREACT system is designed to work alongside a RIOT-S base unit.
The RIOT-S unit would need to have an internet connection in order to send data to WebREACT (via Ethernet cable or mobile GSM connection.)

Bespoke Site Plan Overview
Your WebREACT homepage will show a custom site plan created from a CAD drawing, this allows for incredibly easy navigation around your monitored areas. Names and most recent temperatures are shown for all monitored locations on the overview, and for larger sites you can zoom into different areas.
Individual Room Pages
Clicking a location will take you to the 'Room page' which displays a photo of the room, graphical temperature data, current values and status. You can easily amend the alarm settings for each point here.
Full Historical Data
Any logged data, from the point of install can be viewed* via a 'Room page' graph. Users can zoom into the graph for a more detailed view, pinpoint specific times and select a date range of temperatures to be shown. Any breaches above high or low limits are logged as pins on the graph, and you can add a comment too.
*All data for your site will be stored for 30 years, the current year & 1 calendar year can be viewed on your WebREACT site at any time, but at request any historical data can be loaded to your site within 30 minutes.
Multiple Users & Levels
Any number of password protected log on's can be added to the WebREACT system; Users can have defined permission levels such as 'View, User and Manager*', and access can also be limited to specific points/rooms.
If a user acknowledges an alarm or changes a setting, it is logged in the alarm history with their username, to provide accountability for your system.
*See the downloads page for a comparison table of the user level permissions*