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AAW Control Systems
Industrial Temperature Monitoring Specialists

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A photo of a Fluke 701 process calibrator
Fluke process calibrator (signal converters 4-20mA, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Frequency, TC Sensors, RTD Sensors).

AAW can provide on site test and traceable calibrations for all your Temperature, Pressure, Gas, Power, etc. monitoring systems.

Temperature Calibrations -

plastic sensors are calibrated to National Standard.
stainless steel sensors can have a 2 point wet block thermal calibration.
product sensors can have up to a 7 point dry block calibration.

All our process calibration equipment is UKAS calibrated and copies of the certification is attached to our reports.

The reports detail the test temperatures and the monitored temperatures of the system under test.

A photo of an Ametek ITC650 dry block calibrator
Ametek ITC650 dry block calibrator, which can calibrate probes up to 650 Deg.C.
A photo of an Ametek ETC125 dry block calibrator
Ametek ETC125 dry block calibrator which can calibrate sensors from -10 to 125 Deg.C.